- 1 -110174- Go Kart Ignition Key Switch for EK 80
- 2 -109652- Forward Reverse Switch for EK 80
- 3 -110145- Gear Shift Twisting Switch for EK 80
- 4 -111114- Power Indicator for EK 80
- 5 -109537- Electric Throttle Pedal for EK 80
- 6 -105241- Hex Flange Bolt M8x65 for EK 80 and more
- 7 -105213- Hex Flange Bolt M8x25 for ATA 125 F1 and more
- 8 -105277- Hex Locknut M8 for JEEPAUTO and more
- 9 -111136- Battery Charging Port A Horizontal Two Vertical for EK 80
- 10 -110850- Battery Charging Port Three Vertical for E1-350 and more
- 11 -temp- coming soon
- 12 -111138- 48V Battery 20Ah for EK 80
- 13 -109625- Go Kart Battery Box for EK 80
- 14 -temp- coming soon
- 15 -105205- Hex Flange Bolt M8x20 for ATA 135 DU and more
- 16 -109437- Wire Harness for EK 80
- 17 -102128- Brake Switch for ATA 135 DU and more
- 18 -104658- Foot Brake Pedal Return Spring for EK 80
- 19 -temp- coming soon
- 20 -temp- coming soon
- 21 -111131- Battery Strap 460x18x6 for EK 80
- 22 -110873- Hex Flange Bolt M5x170 for EK 80
- 23 -105448- Flat Washer 16×6.3×1.5 for ATA 150 G and more
- 24 -110780- Cross Pan Head Bolt M5x16
- 25 -601296- Hex Nut M5
- 26 -108013- Pen Head Self-tapping Screw ST4.8x16 for EK 80 and more
- 27 -105797- Column Hex Socket Bolt M6x16 for ATA 135 DU and more
- 28 -110567- Motor 48V 800W for EK 80
- 29 -110858- Umbrella head screw M3x25 for EK 80 and more
- 30 -110845- Air Switch for EK 80 and more
- 31 -temp- coming soon
- 32 -111106- Control Box
- 33 -601383- Cross Pan Head Bolt M5x12
- 34 -110827- 6 Wire Connect Board for EK 80 and more
- 35 -110872- Hex Nut M4
- 36 -104748- Umbrella head screw M4x20 for EK 80
- 37 -602131- Control Box Cover for EK 80
- 38 -105817- Hex Socket Bolt M6x45 for EK 80
- 39 -600678- Umbrella head screw M6x12 for EK 80 and more
- 40 -101701- Flat Washer 16×6.3×1.5 for ATA 135 DU and more
- 41 -105809- Hex Socket Bolt M6x25 for EK 80
- 42 -110785- Motor Mounting Housing for EK 80
- 43 -601291- Chain Cover for EK 80 and more
- 44 -111128- Control Box Cover for EK 80
- 45 -111151- Pen Head Self-tapping Screw S3.8x12 for EK 80 and more
- 46 -110441- Battery Charger for EK 80